While there are many ongoing projects in the lab, three representative lines of study are outlined below.
Neural mechanisms enabling empathy
As social creatures, human beings interact with each other on a daily basis. We succeed in these complex interactions by identifying others’ actions and inferring their intentions, thoughts and feelings. Failing to do so is extremely costly: individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, for example, have difficulties understanding the intentions, thoughts, and feelings of others, and they experience severe problems with social interactions. Our lab studies empathy through a wide range of conceptual approaches and methods. For example, we examine the different components of empathy and the underlying neural systems, we study deficits in understanding others in clinical populations (including lesion patients and people with autism), we study how well we understand those who are different from us, and we also examine how different emotional states or contexts affect empathy.
Empathy and Artificial Intelligence
Interpersonal distance and implicit social behavior